
Beyond the UConn Transportation Services shuttles and buses, there are many other transportation options for UConn students, faculty and staff


U-Pass for free travel

Students are eligible for a U-Pass which allows them free travel on many bus and train routes in Connecticut, including CT Transit and WRTD.  Visit for more information and registration.


Using Google Transit to plan your trip

Trying to work out what routes might work and where you might be able to connect?  Some of the services in this area are loaded into Google Transit – and other services will be added soon.  You can access Google Transit in two ways:

Also remember the Nash-Zimmer Transportation Center is the Town of Mansfield’s transportation hub where residents & visitors can catch a bus, store their bike, park their car, visit attractions, and more.

Getting to Airports

bradley lgo

Getting to Bradley Airport is relatively easy – use
CT Transit’s 913 Express Service and then the Bradley Flyer. We recommend using Google Transit to help you plan your trip and your U-Pass so you can ride for free!

Logan Airport Logo

Getting to Boston Airport you can connect to the Framingham Logan Express to save some driving and parking fees.