Accessible Van Service

General Description

The Accessible Van Service (AVS) is a free service available to pre-qualified students, faculty, and staff.

AVS pickup locations and Accessible Building Entrances are identified on the linked maps.

The service provides safe and timely campus and local transportation to members of the UConn Storrs campus community.

Our accessible vans are equipped with wheelchair ramps, ensuring that all passengers get to their classes, jobs, residences, and activities safely and efficiently.

The Accessible Van Service is only for passengers with temporary or permanent disabilities.  Student passengers must register through the Center for Students with Disabilities and be pre-qualified before scheduling AVS rides.

Employee passengers with permanent disabilities must register through the ADA Case Manager in Human Resources.

Contact the University’s Center for Students with Disabilities (860-486-2020) to determine if you qualify for the Accessible Van Service.

Hours of Operation

  • Monday – Friday: 7:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Saturday: 11:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Sunday: 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM
  • NOTE: Our last scheduled ride occurs 15-minutes before closing (i.e. 10:00 PM close, 9:45 PM last ride).
  • Academic Breaks: (Summer, Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring Break) we run a limited service with one van running 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM, Monday – Friday.
  • Holidays and Extreme Weather: Transportation Services will be closed on Holidays in which the University is closed and during extreme weather.

How We Operate

AVS pickup locations and Accessible Building Entrances are identified on the linked maps.

The Accessible Van Service operates four to five vans during peak-demand hours and schedules pickups every 15-minutes throughout its hours of operation.

There are specific pickup locations for all campus buildings and local businesses, the details of which can be provided to you by any of our drivers or dispatchers.

Every van is equipped with a scannable QR code linking you to our pickup locations map. Please ask your driver for more information.

Once a student or employee is authorized to use the Accessible Van Service, they can request, cancel, or change their “regular rides” pickup times using this online Regular Ride Scheduler. Regular rides are those that repeat weekly. Please allow 2 business days for these additions to be added to our schedule.

For a copy of your current regular ride schedule, you may contact the AVS Dispatcher or Program Coordinator.

Remember to call the AVS Dispatcher at (860)486-4991 whenever you don’t need a regular ride on a particular day. Your fellow passenger will thank you!

On-demand AVS ride requests can be made by calling the AVS Dispatcher at (860) 486-4991.

On-demand requests will be fulfilled on a first-come-first-served basis when possible.

No Shows

Please use this Missed Ride Report to document incidents involving an Accessible Van driver “no show”.

The AVS is a highly demanded service, and its vehicles must stay in motion to provide timely pickups.

A “No-Show” ride occurs with a passenger is not at their pickup location within five minutes of their scheduled ride, at which time the AVS vehicle will depart to its next pickup location.

A student who misses their ride may call the AVS Dispatcher at (860) 486-4991 to request a van be sent back to their location.

Return van requests will be fulfilled before on-demand requests on a first-come-first-served basis.

When a student “No Shows” twice on the same day, their remaining rides for that day will be canceled.

Students who frequently no-show will be reported to the Center for Students with Disabilities, and their service privileges may be suspended.

Locations and Boundaries

AVS pickup locations and Accessible Building Entrances are identified on these linked maps.

The Accessible Van Service operates within a 1-mile radius of campus and cannot exceed that limit.

If your pickup location does not appear on those maps, you may contact the AVS Dispatcher at (860) 486-4991 to see if transport from your preferred location is possible.

Passenger/Driver Relations

AVS drivers are to provide our services with civility, professionalism, and respect.

Please take the time to report an incident of driver discourtesy or disrespect via an email sent to

Conversely, passengers who abuse AVS employees, fellow passengers, or others may lose their van privileges.

Van drivers may exit their vehicles only to open passenger doors and assist with scooter/wheelchair boarding. AVS passengers may be accompanied by one guest, which might be necessary if additional assistance is required.

Alcohol Use Policy

Alcohol is not permitted in any state vehicle. Passengers are prohibited from bringing alcohol on Transportation vehicles, including open and closed containers. Subsequently, any passenger seen entering or exiting a package or liquor store prior to their next ride will be denied their return ride, regardless of any purchase made. The passenger will be reported to the Center for Students with Disabilities and their service privileges may be suspended.

Passengers under the influence of alcohol are allowed to use the Accessible Van Service and will not be denied service unless the driver or dispatcher deems them to be sick (i.e. vomiting) or belligerent.


Please direct your questions to our Accessible Van Service Program Coordinator, Ryan Dang, for a timely response.